Anna Billings, LMFT
             counseling  •  life coaching  •  soulwork 
                              couples, individuals, families, and organizations

Education,Training, and Credentials

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, since 1978, State of California

John F. Kennedy University, clinical psychology major, Master of Arts Degree

University of California at Berkeley, psychology major, Bachelor of Arts Degree

Trauma Recovery and Healing Modalities

EMDR — Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, Level II advanced training with Francine Shapiro

International Critical Incident Stress Foundation — Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISD), advanced level, with Jeff Mitchell

Inner Relationship Focusing — completing three year professional teacher training with Ann Weiser Cornell based on Gene Gendlin’s Focusing, a powerful body-mind awareness method. 

Coaching and Leadership

Gale Leadership Development — The Heart of Leadership; The Art of Developing Others; Effective Group Leadership.  Advanced training in life-coaching and leadership, with Amba Gale

London Gale Associates — Group Leadership Training; Resultswork Course; and Private Consultation, with Amba Gale and Susan London

Creative Visual and Expressive Arts:

Action Theater — drama improvisational training with Ruth Zaporah

The Painting Experience — four year professional teacher training in creative painting process with Michele Cassou  and Stewart Cubley

Point Zero Painting — assistant teacher with Michele Cassou for her workshops in Taos, New Mexico and Esalen, Big Sur, California.

The Way of the Doll School of Sacred Art — two year transpersonal course using myth, archetype, story, clay-work, and the Enneagram, with Cassandra Light

The Clown School — the art of clowning, training with Arina Issacson

Creative Writing — the art of expression through creative writing with author, teacher, Ruth Gendler.   Professional writing consultation and coaching with author, editor, teacher Susan Efros

Nature Based Spirituality

Four Fold Way — two year training in cross-cultural nature-based wisdom of indigenous peoples for contemporary leadership and healing.  With Angeles Arrien, anthropologist, educator

Ancestral Wisdom and Healing Rituals — yearlong training in West African earth wisdom and healing practices of indigenous cultures, with Malidoma Some 

Sacred Passage — solo nature quests, 7 days and 28 days long.  With John Milton

Self Inquiry Work

Enlightenment Intensives — contemplative Who-am-I inquiries using communication dyads and meditation in retreat settings three to fourteen days in length.  I have attended numerous long intensives since 1984 and have been a trained enlightenment intensive master since 1987. 

Additional Teachers

John O’Donohue, Celtic wisdom, author of Anam Cara; Beauty: the Invisible Embrace; Eternal Echoes; Conamara Blues: poetry; and To Bless the Space Between Us:  A Book of

David Whyte, poetry and the soul, author of The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America; Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity; The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self, Relationship; and River Flow: New and Collected Poems,

Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks, The Hendricks Institute,

Membership in the following professional associations

EMDR International Association (EMDRIA)

International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF)

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)

East Bay CAMFT


Grief/Loss  •  Procrastination  •  EMDR  •  Speaking/Training  •  CISD  •  Job Stress  •  Self Esteem  •  ACOA

Marin Office

712 D Street, suite P

San Rafael, CA 94901

East Bay Office

125 W Richmond Ave

Point Richmond, CA 94801


photograph by Brock Palmer ©2008